small print article in parenting mags

i’ve worked with this group of parenting magazines on and off for awhile:

kidz ink

and it looks like i will be contributing for them on a more or less regular basis.  keep an eye out for future articles.

chose from one of the publication areas:

their newsletter navigation is a bit clunky, but you can look for my feature on “ontario ecoschools.”


about kidz ink:

“Kidz Ink is the publisher of authoritative, regional, parenting magazines: Northumberland Kids (Northumberland County), Peterborough Kids (Peterborough City & County) and Lakeridge Kids (East Durham Region).

“Each magazine provides in-depth and expert articles about every aspect of parenting – with a local perspective – plus an extensive resource section listing services, events, programs, and upcoming registrations for each area.”

Print copies of the magazines are free and are widely available.

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