ecology park family night fun

the paddling puppeteers at family night: glen as cool captain climate; me as billy idle.

the paddling puppeteers at family night: glen as cool captain climate; me as billy idle.

ecology park’s family night was an overwhelming success. good sized crowds, happy smiling faces, hot buttery corn, wonderful music by glen caradus, all with the stunning backdrop of peterborough’s finest garden at its summertime peak.

glen and i pulled a workplace transportation puppet show (yes, you read that right) out of mothballs for the event. it was a pretty surreal situation: doing a puppet show written for adults for a crowd of 50 or so kids. despite the rust and the flubs and the entirely wrong demographic, it was received warmly enough.

find a write-up of the night (and the puppet show) here:
peterborough examiner family night article

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