song of the day: kings and queens of the otonabee (gin and sparrow)

sorry folks.

small print has been busy. a bit too busy for the usual SOTD action. but we’re back. and we’re back with music as local as local can get.

ok, i’ll fess up here. i don’t actually know the name of today’s SOTD. it’s either “kings and queens of the otonabee” or “molotov cocktails and gasoline.” then again, it could be a shortened version of either.

in any case, it is a clever song and a wonderful performance by gin and sparrow — a local folk duo made up of meagh culkeen and renee deschenes. it took place live at the benefit for Levi Schaeffer in support of the case for police accountability in his shooting. it was filmed at Market Hall in Peterborough Jan. 20, 2010. the video was filmed and produced by brian mitolo and dan english.

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