On the Closing of PCVS

Really, it was less PCVS that I was concerned about than the health of our entire community, particularly the downtown core.

No offense, PCVS, I love you and wish you were staying open forever.  Really, I do.

But this decision is just plain bad news for all of Peterborough.

When urban planners, economists, doctors, and sociologists all line up to report on the negative effects that this closure will have on our city, it should mean something.

But it doesn’t.  At least not to school boards.  At least not to our trustees.

It takes healthy communities to produce healthy schools.  And it is healthy schools that produce healthy, happy, and well-educated kids.  Somewhere along the lines these facts got lost.

A combination of faulty economics and stupid pride took their place.

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    One thought on “On the Closing of PCVS

    1. Ned says:

      It really is a dark day for PTBO. I think 5 years from now people are really going to look back on this as a truly terrible decision from an urban planning (and education) perspective.

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