Bell’s Let’s Talk: Beyond the Corporate Care Shtick

Today is the annual Bell Let’s Talk Day — an event to raise money and awareness for mental health issues and organizations. For each text, call, and Tweet you make, Bell will donate 5¢ to help fund mental health initiatives across Canada.

For the second year in a row, I’ve been active in promoting it, both on Facebook and Twitter.

Which is odd. Because I’m not really a meme guy.

And I’m far from being a corporate shill or cheerleader.

To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure that the money raised by Bell in this initiative will actually make a heap of difference. In fact, I’m not sure it will do much at all. Call me a skeptic when it comes to these kinds of big business rah-rah movements. Call me a realist when I note how absolutely underfunded programs for mood disorders are. Part of me recognizes that the donation Bell makes will not equal the tax break and marketing value that the event represents.

For folks like Bell, I’m probably not a great example of corporate camaraderie.

But I am a guy who has suffered from mood disorders.

I’m a guy who has been scared to answer the telephone. I’m a guy who sometimes looked at the day ahead and saw speaking engagements, television interviews, board meetings, whatever… all the while wondering where to find the energy and the will to tie my own shoes.

I’m a guy who has seen blackness. Sheer, utter dark.

And I’m a guy who is not scared to talk about it. At least not when asked.

This is why I’ve put on the corporate blinders for the second year in a row — why I’ve helped Bell gain some tremendous marketing territory by Tweeting and Facebooking the Bell Let’s Talk initiative.

I do so because I remember the relief I’ve felt in the past when people I knew asked me about my depression. About, you know… how I was actually doing. I recognize the continued sense of relief when friends stop and ask how I am below the surface.

Let me tell you, the worst thing about being a functional person with depression is that everyone always assumes that you’re doing OK.

And the hardest thing to do as a functional person with depression is reaching out to tell people when you are not.

For the record, folks, I’m not doing too badly. Thank-you very much. I’m feeling healthy. Strong. At least that’s the forecast for today.  I’ve worked hard to make that the forecast for tomorrow.  A lifetime of tomorrows.

Truth be told, I’m feeling pretty darned good — and part of that is due to this “Let’s Talk” initiative.

I’m happy that something like 35 cents has gone to charity for my couple of bits of social interaction. I honestly hope that Bell raises a kazillion dollars and it all goes to finding cures for people who hurt.

But, more than that, I’m happy that, for at least one day, people are being honest about their mental health. That they are being brave enough to say: “Hey, you know what? This sucks.”

Or, better yet: “Hey, you know what? I’m feeling better.”

I’m happy to see people of social influence talking about how they feel, about how they’ve felt, and about what they do to make themselves feel more healthy. I’m honestly proud to see people with mood disorders taking on leadership roles and helping normalize talk about depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness.

Because here is an absolute truth: when you are sick, it is so, so hard to lead.

So here’s the deal with this whole “Let’s Talk” thing: Every time we have an event like this, mood disorders become just that little bit more part of our normal discourse. They become an issue that more and more people are aware of. They become more of a priority.

Hopefully, all this attention will lead to a greater allocation of funds, resources, and patient care for mood disorders and the people who suffer from them.

I know, crazy talk, right?

Hopefully, it will also lead to more people being honest about how they feel. Hopefully it will lead to more people reaching out and asking for a minute of time, an ear to listen, a bit of conversation. For help.

Hopefully, it will just inspire us to talk.

And talking feels good. It can make some of the hurt go away. It can be that first step to really getting better.

So, yeah… What Bell said.

Let’s talk. Let’s really talk about it.

And not just today, OK?

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    4 thoughts on “Bell’s Let’s Talk: Beyond the Corporate Care Shtick

    1. Ashley says:

      Hi Donald,

      I don’t think it’s crazy talk at all! I am totally skeptical of corporate cause marketing campaigns, too. I think this one is different because it is fostering discourse and, like you said, this can really help with awareness.

      This was a great post. It feels like it was cathartic for you to write and I’m sure it will support others going through similar things. It’s also a great awareness post for the general public. I don’t know much about mental illness, but I do know that it’s usually an invisible disability. And I know that the invisibility of disabilities presents its own kind of stigma, apathy and lack of support. I am most struck by “worst thing about being a functional person with depression is that everyone always assumes that you’re doing OK.”

      I’m so sorry you’ve suffered. This must be so hard.


    2. Donald Fraser says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Ashley.

      And, actually, a post like this isn’t too hard. I’m a writer. And if there is one thing that a writer can do, it is dig deep to find the emotion behind a story. It just so happens that, with a piece like this, I don’t have to dig all that far to find it.

      It’s approximately a billion times harder for a person to reach out for the first time and ask for help. It gets easier with practice.

      I’m a pretty lucky guy. Sure, I have to work a bit harder than most people. But I’m to the point where I see it as a missing limb, a heart murmer, a… whatever. It’s something that slows me down. But doesn’t take me down. You’re right about it being invisible, though. Life would be easier if everyone with a mood disorder got to wear a bright fluorescent t-shirt that said “C’mon! Cut me some slack here!”

      It’s no longer a secret personal battle. It’s just kind of a drag.

      Thanks for reading. And feel free to share.


    3. Chantal says:

      Thank you…

    4. Donald Fraser says:

      My pleasure.

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