BPA in Food Cans: An Article in the Kids Ink Series of Magazines

Feb14-PK.inddI’ve written an article on BPA in canned foods for the Kids Ink series of magazines.

“Food packaging and food production companies argue that the resins used in canned foods are inert – that they don’t leach significant levels of BPA – and that it would take the consumption of hundreds of kilograms of canned goods to pose any health risks. They also claim that BPA is processed and rapidly excreted through urine.

Several significant studies have recently challenged these claims, including a Harvard Medical School paper from last year that showed a dramatic increase in BPA levels in people who regularly ate canned soup. In one experiment, researchers found over 1000 times as much BPA in the urine of people fed canned vegetable soup once per day for 5 days, as compared to people fed the same amounts of fresh vegetable soup. The study, published in the Journal of American Medical Association, is one of the first to measure BPA urine levels soon after the consumption of canned foods.”

Click on the magazine cover to read the full story. Or visit the websites for Peterborough Kids, Lakeridge Kids, and Northumberland Kids magazines.

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