The Troublesome Training of Cedar the Dog

Cedar is so excited about the thought of Foodland that she has lost all her marbles.  Even her Cat's Eye Aggie.

Cedar is so excited about the thought of Foodland that she has lost all her marbles. Even her Cat’s Eye Aggie.

I’m currently training Cedar the Dog to go to Foodland on Hunter St.  Oh, not for major shopping trips, but just for when we need an emergency item or two. Right now, for instance, I need a potato.

Fitted with a vest that reads “shopping dog,” she will have a note tied to her collar that lists the items needed (say, a potato). She will then run cross-country down the side streets and trails of East City and through the front door of the store.

Putting her paws on the counter, she will bark and thrust her neck forward, alerting the cashier to take the note. The tail wagging, goofy grin, and neon green vest will assure the clerk that Cedar is friendly and not just one of those throat-ripping supermarket ne’er do well dogs that usually frequent Foodland.

The cashier will then gather the necessary item(s), which could include anything from potatoes to… well… in this case a potato, remove money from the pocket of the vest, and place the purchased item (potato) in its stead.

Cedar will then run home, deliver her potato, and get a treat.

The idea is sheer genius. Cedar’s tail is wagging just thinking of it.


EDIT: Krista, always the thinker, has pointed out that Cedar is in no way heavy enough to activate the automatic door at the grocery store.


In other news, I’m currently training Cedar the Dog to sneak into neighbourhood kitchens in order to make off with potatoes. I’m positive that absolutely nothing can go wrong.

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