Donald Fraser Announces Candidacy for City Council ~ Will Seek Election in the Ashburnham Ward

Media Release
January 15, 2014
For immediate release.

After careful consideration, I have decided to announce my candidacy for Peterborough City Council as a representative of the Ashburnham ward.

Peterborough currently finds itself in a period of great transition.  Important decisions are being made in the areas of regional growth and development, infrastructure creation and renewal, and sustainable urban planning.  The city is abuzz with energy and interest in civic affairs.  But it is also in need of strong and open leadership in order for this period of transition to bring about greater social, environmental, and economic sustainability.  It is my goal to help lead Peterborough toward a vibrant and successful future.

Many people see the upcoming election as a one-topic race.  This worries me.  While I am on record as being against the completion of a Parkway Road system, I also believe that there are many other issues to address.  There needs to be an emphasis on employment and retaining the talented young minds who will shape our city in the future.  There needs to be an emphasis on maintaining a unique, healthy, downtown core that will attract residents, businesses, and visitors.  And, there needs to be particular emphasis placed on purposeful and thoughtful urban growth, so that our planning and design principles shape our city’s development and are not undermined by short-term pressures.

The experience I’ve gained working with people, businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies across Peterborough has provided me with insight into the diversity of needs in our community.  It has afforded me the opportunity to listen to what individuals, businesses, and local organizations feel is most important when it comes to the issues that face us today.  And, it has definitely given me a passion for helping to bring about meaningful change in the city that I am proud to call home.

And more than anything else, Peterborough is my home.  My wife, Krista, and I have worked hard to carve out career opportunities for ourselves here.  We feel incredibly lucky to live close to parks, trails, and greenspace. We feel a great sense of belonging whenever we encounter the friendly smiles and conversations that come with being East City residents.  There is nowhere else we’d rather be.

Peterborough has an incredible arts scene.  It is home to two of the best post-secondary intuitions in the country.  It has unique stores and restaurants that offer up options that much larger cities should be – and sometimes are – envious of.

As a writer, consultant, employee, and volunteer, I have spent much of the past two decades promoting our unique and dynamic city.  I’ve also worked hard to ensure that it remains a special place.

Among my experiences:

Owner of Small Print Writing and Consulting, where I write for television, radio, newsprint, and new media.  Small Print also provides communications consulting and writing.  Clients have included: Trent University, The Peterborough Regional Health Centre Foundation, and the Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation.

Owner of Farm to Table Peterborough, where I give culinary walking tours of downtown Peterborough, showcasing the many stores and restaurants that feature local and seasonal foods.  I also promote local stores, restaurants, growers, farms, and food producers through workshops, multi-media writing, and television segments.

Almost a decade at a local environmental charity, GreenUP, working with individuals, as well as countless businesses and organizations, in helping promote sustainability across the city and county.

Over the years, I have also sat on the committees/Boards of Directors for many Government and Non-Government Organizations, in a variety of sectors. Among these: The Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee (Chair), the Trent Centre for Community Based Education (Chair), City of Peterborough Community Funding Committee, Peterborough Folk Festival.




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