An Update from Small Print Writing and Communications

Meet the reason why this blog has been so quiet: Clara Grace Campbell Fraser. Photo by Kay Jolly Photography. Check out her Facebook Page.
You may have noticed that things have been a tad quiet in the Small Print blog. That’s because the operations at Small Print Writing and Consulting have scaled back a bit.
Being a new father, I’ve decided to scale back on the number of new clients added to our roster and take up part time employment with Trent University — where I now manage the communications and digital initiatives programs for the Trent University Alumni Association. Quite simply, I decided that it would be more fair to my family and my self if I were not working the incredibly long and unpredictable hours that being an owner of two businesses usually caused (many of you will know that I also own and operate Farm to Table Peterborough).
That said, I’ve retained a few clients — and have even started a few new projects — but am doing so on a more sustainable level.
I’m going to use this space to promote some of the smaller projects that I’m doing with Small Print and Farm To Table. I’ll also share some of the new programming that I’ve been designing with Trent University, because there is some great entertaining content coming out of my office there.
Hopefully, there will still be plenty of writing and media for you to enjoy.