This is the Way the Campaign Ends… Not With a Bang, but a Headline.

The headline from today’s Peterborough Examiner: Peeters, Fraser forfeit chance to run in 2018 municipal election after missing Friday’s deadline to file campaign expense returns

I’ve been on the cover of the Peterborough Examiner more times that I can count — we’ll call it a couple of times a year, usually — and this is the first time it hasn’t been for something positive. I can tell you, it’s not a good feeling. A lack of coordination got me to the doors of City Hall late, and I paid the price.

And so officially ends an emotional roller coaster of campaign that was marred by the death of a parent, made beautiful but chaotic by a pregnancy, and stretched me beyond my abilities through the juggling of a new job and an existing business.

A wiser man than me would have pulled the ‘chute sooner.

But, really, there is no accounting for pride.

I’d like to thank all the people who stood beside me — or backed me — during this tumultuous time. I will continue to strive for a better Peterborough, in actions, projects, and words.

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