A Week in the Interviewing Life of Small Print

Ashley Brzozowicz and her father, in London. Courtesy of Maclean's Magazine.

Some of the interviews I’ve either conducted or will conduct this past/current week:

Harvey McCue, former Director General, Education Branch, Indian Affairs and Northern Development — currently sitting on a committee to create the first ever First Nations Education Act — discussing the Act and its importance.

Charlie Glasspool, Silver Heart, Hot Buttered musical maniac, teacher — on songwriting with kids.

Theresa McKay — mother, educator, songwriter — on songwriting with kids.

Dr. Stephen Bocking, a leader in Environmental politics — on the impact of research.

Chris Magwood, strawbale builder, educator — on the educational opportunities presented by the new Trent University root cellar.

Ashley Brzozowicz, Silver medalist, Women’s-8 Rowing, London 2012.

Charlie Glasspool. Courtesy of theowen.com.

Carol Love, Bronze medalist, 1976, Montreal, rowing — on Ashley.

Dr. Sarah Keefer — on engaging students with ancient texts.

Margaret Carson — on the effects of food on rural communities — particularly on how it pertains to people remaining in their homes/communities as they age.

I tell you this: I’m not bored.

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