Workshop Week at Small Print

We’re hopping here at Small Print.

With a new contract to do fundraising and event coordination for Community Care Peterborough, plenty of tourism and economic development writing for Peterborough and the Kawarthas Tourism and the Greater Area Peterborough Economic Development Corporation, another editorial cycle for Trent Magazine, a couple of stories for the Trent University News Feed, and the launch of the #Petertweeter Nomination Working Group, it’s been full steam ahead.

But it is also a great week for workshops.  I’m giving several this week, including a Funding Fundamentals workshop (this one has an emphasis on funding proposals) at Trent and a Building Narratives: Social Media seminar for the Community Opportunity & Innovation Network (COIN) and their partner agencies.

In order to offer a peek into these private workshops, I’m posting the presentation slides.  Feel free to contact me about these and other similar workshops.

Building Narratives: Social Media Success.

Funding Fundamentals (Emphasis on Proposals)

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